Fire Never Dies - Electric Company Theatre - Composer/Sound Designer
Husk - Musica Intima - Director/Co-writer/Composer/Sound Designer
The Mousetrap - Theatre Calgary - Composer/Sound Designer
Henry V - Bard on the Beach - Composer/Sound Designer/Musical Director
Rolling Hills, Green Pastures - Carmen Aguirre/Sunny Drake - Composer/Sound Designer
90 Days - Western Gold Theatre - Composer/Sound Designer
Romeo and Juliet - Bard on the Beach - Composer/Sound Designer/Musical Director
Shadow Projects - Runaway Moon/VMT - Composer/Sound Designer
The Star-Maker - A Matthias Falvai Film - Composer/Foley Artist
Mala - Arts Club Theatre Company - Composer/Sound designer
Serving Elizabeth - Belfry Theatre - Composer/Sound Designer
Zoom Shadow Project - Runaway Moon - Composer/Sound Designer
The 1st Stage (remount) - Musica Intima - Composer
Buffoon - Arts Club Theatre Company - Composer/Sound Designer
Reframed - Electric Company Theatre/NAC - Composer/Musical Director
Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave - Arts Club - Composer/Sound Designer
Anywhere But Here - Electric Company - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Anna Bella Eema - The Cultch - Percussion Coach
Anonymous - Studio 58 - Composer/Musical Director
UBC Theatre Program -UBC - Sound Design Advisor
Ladri di Biciclette - PuSh Festival - Director/Composer/Musical Director
The Orchard - Arts Club - Composer/Sound Designer
Tenohira - Cindy Mochizuki - Composer
Sue Sada Was Here - Cindy Mochizuki - Composer/Sound Designer
The 1st Stage - Little Chamber/Musica Intima - Composer
Dissidents - ARC - Composer/Sound Designer
The Skin of our Teeth - Studio 58 - Composer/Musical Director
A Christmas Carol - Gateway Theatre - Composer/Musical Director/Sound Designer
Pomona - ARC - Sound Designer
You Will Remember Me - Ruby Slippers - Composer/Sound Designer
The Lady M - Bard Lab - Composer
Matthieu Mathématiques - Théâtre la Seizième - Composer/Sound Designer
Sleepy Hollow - McNair Theatre - Writer/Composer/Musical Director
Vancouver Climate Change - Felix Culpa - Composer/Performer
The 5th Stage - Little Chamber Music Series That Could - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
The Accidental Death of an Anarchist - BellaLuna - Composer/Percussionist
Glengarry Glen Ross - Classic Chic - Composer/Sound Designer
Aim for the Roses - Mark Haney - Vocalist/Actor
Blue Box - Nightswimming - Sound Designer
The Happy Woman - Nightwood Theatre - Composer/Sound Designer
The Idiot - NeWorld/PuSh/VMT - Composer/Musical Director/Performer
The Perfect Detonator - A Jay White Animated Short - Composer/Sound Designer/Foley Artist
Podplays - NeWorld Theatre - Composer/Musical Director
The Life Inside - Belfry Theatre - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Cry Rock - Smayaykila Films - Composer/Musical Director
Hop The Twig - Motion 58 Films - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist/Vocalist
Mixie and the Halfbreeds - NeWorld Theatre - Composer/Musical Director/Sound Designer
Ecran de Fumée - Théâtre la Seizième - Composer/Percussionist/Sound Designer
Bashir Lazhar - Pi Theatre - Composer/Percussionist
Cyrano de Bergerac - Arts Club - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
King Lear - Bard on the Beach - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Saint Joan - Chemainus Theatre - Composer/Musical Director/Sound Designer
Old Goriot - Western Gold/PuSh - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
The Glass Menagerie - Arts Club - Composer/Percussionist
Timon of Athens - Bard on the Beach - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
A Christmas Carol - Vancouver Playhouse - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Griffin and Sabine - Arts Club - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
The Critic - Crazy 8's - Composer/Percussionist
The Shoes that were Danced to Pieces - Boca del Lupo - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
The Bloody Clean Up - NeWorld/Les Saints - Co-composer/Percussionist
The Perfectionist - Boca del Lupo - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Vasily the Luckless - Boca del Lupo - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
The Tale of the Unknown Island - Runaway Moon - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Crime and Punishment - NeWorld/PuSh/VMT - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Through the People's Voice - VMT - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
In the Heart of a City - VMT - Assistant Musical Director/Arranger/Percussionist
Maharaja's Daughter - Urban Crawl Performance - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Circus Gothic - Jan Kudelka - Composer/Percussionist
Dragonfly Drinking - Dragonfly Drinking Collective - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
King Llyr - Leaky Heaven Circus - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Conference of the Birds - Leaky Heaven Circus - Percussionist
Typhoon - Leaky Heaven Circus - Percussionist
The Leaky Heaven Circus - Leaky Heaven Circus - Percussionist
We're in this Together - VMT - Composer/Arranger
A Short Visit - Studio 58 - Musical Consultant
History of a Servant Girl - Urban Crawl Performance - Composer/Musical Director/Percussionist
Mad Woman of Chaillot - Studio 58 - Musical Consultant
Documenting Engagement - Pacific Cinematheques - Percussionist
National Arts and Youth Demo Project - Arts Umbrella - Teacher/Composer/Percussionist
Buried Heart: A Tribute to Missing Women - Buried Heart - Vocalist